The National Union of Worker Producers’ Cooperatives in Bulgaria (NUWPC) is an independent organization, voluntarily unifying at national level worker producers’ cooperatives (TPK, TPKI), regional unions (RS) of TPK and other cooperative organizations - legal entities, and operates in compliance with the cooperative principles and the cooperative democracy. NUWPC is a legal entity having its registered and head office in Sofia, 11 Dondukov Blvd, it has been entered in the Cooperative Register based on company case No. 17/51 and company case No. 3339/1995 decided by the Sofia City Court; the Union has its own seal, emblem and merchandise mark. NUWPC is entitled to associate with limited liability companies and with joint-stock companies and to form cooperative (EOOD or EAD) and inter-cooperative undertakings (OOD or AD) for individual activities in the interest of its members pursuant to the Cooperative Societies Act. It is also entitled to participate in an European Cooperative Society (SCE) established under Regulation (EC) No. 1435/2003. NUWPC carries out its activities in adherence to the Cooperative Societies Act, the Bulgarian legislation and its Statutes.